Monday, January 16, 2017

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for Families

Top Ten New Year's Resolutions for Families
2017 is here and we’re gearing up for an exciting, fresh year of new goals and possibilities. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to take stock of which areas in our life need more focus and attention. Although we often hear about New Year’s resolutions as personal goals, why expand those goals to the whole family? Here are some New Year’s goals with the whole household in mind.

1.     Schedule checkups for the whole family. Due to our busy lives, many of us only think of going to the doctor or dentist when we’re sick. However, regular preventive care is  important for staying healthy.
2.     Build up your emergency fund. Bankrate reports that over 1 in 4 Americans don’t have enough in savings to cover even a routine emergency, such as an unexpected medical bill or car repair.
3.     Build up your buffer. According to the same study, roughly half of Americans don’t have enough in savings to cover 3 months of expenses. Building a buffer fund is just as important as saving for retirement, and won’t take nearly as long!
4.     Sign up for, or reevaluate, your life insurance plan. If you have a family, life insurance provides peace of mind for you and helps your dependents adjust to the loss of income if a breadwinner dies. Life insurance proceeds may help your surviving spouse pay off your mortgage, pay for childcare, alleviate debts, cover funeral expenses and/or ensure your children are able to attend college. It’s a good idea to periodically revisit your policy to see whether or not it still meets your income and lifestyle needs. For more on how life insurance works, see here.
5.     Resolve never to text and drive. Make the whole family take the pledge, and put it in writing!
6.     Volunteer together. We all wish we had more time to give back. Volunteering as a family creates cherished memories, and teaches children the value of service.
7.     Eat more fruits and veggies. If the whole family is in on healthier eating, your own nutrition goals will be much easier to achieve.
8.     Unplug. Set aside family time each week where everyone is unplugged from screen time and spending face time together.
9.     Listen more. Communication is imperative to healthy familial relationships. Commit to listening to each.
10.  Discuss your personal 2017 goals together. Encourage children to come up with their own resolutions (mastering a two-wheeler, reading more books, recycling), and support each other throughout the year!

We at Melissa Ziegler-Penzato’s Covington, Louisiana office wish you and your family a safe and prosperous 2017!

If you are interested in receiving a life insurance quote or financial advice from Melissa Ziegler-Penzato, an Allstate Personal Financial Representative with a reputation for high ethical standards and excellent customer satisfaction, please visit her webpage, or call (985) 875-7707 for more information.