Sunday, October 22, 2017

Breast Cancer Awareness: Early Detection and Why It’s Important

Fall is (finally) in the air, the smell of cinnamon lingers as you walk, and the color pink is in abundance. Welcome to October, otherwise known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to increase awareness and raise funds for a disease that will affect 1 in 8 women over the course of their lifetime. Until there is a cure, early detection practices are key to surviving this diagnosis.

How Can You Be Proactive?
Mammograms and breast self-examinations are key early detection practices. They allow for more treatment options, as well as a better chance of survival. It is recommended that women over the age of 45 have a mammogram performed once a year. A mammogram can be used to find a lump or signs of cancer even before they are felt by you or your doctor. While a mammogram is recommended for women over 45, breast cancer knows no prejudice. Monthly breast self-examinations can help all women stay mindful of their bodies and monitor any changes that may develop.

Stages of Breast Cancer:
·      Stage 0: This stage is non-invasive and abnormal cells have been found in the tissue. Since this is extremely early detection, it is a highly treatable stage of breast cancer.
·      Stage I: Cancer is evident; however, it is contained only to the area in which it originated. Individuals in this stage can be effectively treated.
·      Stage II- The cancer is growing and either still contained in the breast tissue, or it has only moved to the nearby lymph nodes. Those in this stage typically respond well to treatment even though the treatment is more aggressive.
·      Stage III- This stage is said to be advanced. The cancer has spread beyond the immediate region of the breast tissue and is now in nearby lymph nodes and muscles. It has not yet spread to distant organs, but treatment must be aggressive at this stage.
·      Stage IV- The cancer has spread to other areas of the body and is considered incurable. However, due to advances in technology, women with stage IV breast cancer are living longer by treating the disease as a chronic condition.

Early detection is of the utmost importance in fighting the battle against breast cancer. Be knowledgeable, be proactive and be aware. As your local Allstate agent, one of the most rewarding aspects of my job is helping customers through their times of need.  I am here for you and all of your personal insurance requests.